Menu of Townsend


528 Veltri Drive

A feast of gorgeousness awaits you with super-seasonal dishes created with love by our wonderful chefs.

Hot Dog


Whole cured, cooked sausage that is skinless or stuffed in a casing, that may be known as a frankfurter, frank, furter, wiener, red hot, vienna, bologna, garlic bologna, or knockwurst, and that may be served in a bun or roll

Detroit-Style Pizza


A thick, square-cut pizza with a crunchy, fried bottom layer of crust overflowing with delicious melted cheese. The result of this unique pizza style is a gooey, doughy center with a crunchy outer crust and caramelized cheese hugging its edges.

Maltesers Tiramisu


As the name implies, this is an iconic Italian dessert that is served at the end of the meal that hopefully “cheers you up”. For a decadent, crowd-pleasing dessert this Christmas you can't go past a no-bake Malteser tiramisu.